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  • Writer's pictureHannah Martin

You are Enough...

Welcome to my blog on mental health awareness. I hope that you come back often to gain encouragement, insights and education on helping yourself and others.

Being over 27 months sober from self harm is a goal that I never thought that I would reach. Every day is a fight and some days are harder than others- but either way I am so proud that I can live my life the way I've always wanted to- holding onto my life and fighting not just for my happiness and mental health, but the happiness and mental health of others.

From an early age many of us are conditioned to believe that our worth is tied to our achievements. We chase perfection. thinking if we can just hit that next milestone- finding a relationship, losing weight, getting an "A" on a test- we'll finally feel worthy. But, perfection is an impossible standard and one that social media seems to tell us is the only standard. The more we strive for it, the further away it seems and the more isolated we feel.

This constant pressure to be perfect can take a toll on our mental health. It breeds anxiety, depression and a sense of inadequacy. We become so focused on what we think we should be, that we lose site of celebrating who we actually are.

With so may social platforms telling us what we should wear, how we should look, what we should think- comparison becomes unavoidable. We are constantly shown images of people who seem to have it all together, making us feel like we are falling apart. It is easy to forget that social media is a a highlight reel and not reality. You are only seeing a small fraction of what that person's life is really like.

The truth is, your journey is unique. Your worth is NOT determined by how you stack up to other people!

One way to grow that self worth is through positive affirmations. I know it might sound silly, but write it down, say it out loud, or even set a reminder on your phone. Tell yourself that YOU ARE ENOUGH! Science has shown that over time, these affirmations can actually rewire your thinking and reinforce your belief that you are worthy just the way you are.

So, take a deep breath. Remember, that you don't have to prove your worth to anyone. Your value is not tied to achievements, how you look, or if you decided to have that extra piece of pizza, or don't fix your hair today. Embrace your journey, with all its ups and downs. In those moments of doubt remember that You Are Enough, today, tomorrow and always.

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